We all use Yahoo messenger, Gtalk and live messenger to connect with friends. But these are applications must be installed in your pc. If you are not in you own pc some times you wont get rights to install these software. What you do if you have to chat urgently ? In this case you can use web messengers. other advantages are web based applications are light weight. these links are very helpful when our Instant messenger stop working or that messenger ports blocked by the firewall.
all the above service providers have their own web based messenger services. You can also use web based all in one messengers.
Windows Live Web Messenger lets you use basic IM features on any computer with an internet connection, without needing to install any software.you can use any of the following two links to access them. http://people.live.com , http://webim.live.sg
Yahoo messenger will be available at http://webmessenger.yahoo.com
And http://talkgadget.google.com/talkgadget/popout for Google talk.
[…] collage students .They said that Messengers are blocked at their collages / work place. even that Live,Yahoo,Gtalk Web messengers. In that case you can use this web based all in one messengers. Also some one want to login all […]
Hi Albin,
There is a desktop application called BuddyFuse. ITs mainly meant for Windows Live Messensger.It can load your GTalk/Gmal accounts into your windows live messenger. Have a look. Just for your information.
Hi, if you are interested in web messenger all in one, you can use http://webuzz.im/ , which supports Galk, MSN, Yahoo, Facebook Chat and AIM.