Difference between Differential Incremental and Full backups

Here is a simple explanation of different types of backup methods. Below diagrams are showing three days backup in different methods. The blue color indicated the previous day’s full backup. Green is the growing data of each day. Orange is the quantity of backup data.

I would like to explain one more scenario. One company with a backup policy as follows. Full backups on every month end, Differential backups on every week end, and incremental backups on every day. If they want to restore the data on a week day then they have to restore the Month end backup (Full ) +  Last week ends ( Differential ) + Each backup of  previous weekdays (incremental )

Full Backup

A complete backup of everything you want to backup. A daily

Full Backup

Differential Backup

A backup from last Full Backup to till date

Differential backup

Incremental Backup

A backup from last backup (Either full or differential backup) to till date

incrimetal backup

About Albin Sebastian

I am a Technology Blogger, System Administrator by profession and webmaster by passion. Technology blogger, Active in Online and offline tech communities.

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  1. Hai Albin.
    Please tel me which is the best software to backup (Incremental)  files from my shared network drives to MY PC  in my company .