Error : The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections
Windows servers can establish only two remote desktop connections simultaneously. But if the session is in Disconnected mode ( If its close without log off ) you can access this session again. But if any two sessions are logged in you cannot get a new RDP Connection. And you will get the above error. You can terminate any sessions. Find the following two ways to get a connections. Before that try to access the console using following command. for both methods you should try as an administrative account. if it is a different user gain the access using “net use” command
Here is the example Ip address
mstsc /v /f –console
Using Terminal service manager ( tsadmin)
Do it from a windows server which is under same work group or domain.
- Go to RUN and type “tsadmin”
It will open the terminal service admin console. and you can see the local RDP sessions here.
- Now you go to actions >> Connect to computer in the menu bar
- Give IP address of the server which you want to connect
Once you get the connection you can see the list of sessions in the right panel of the window
- right click the session which you want to terminate
There you can see features like connect, Disconnect, Send message, remote control, Reset, status, log Off,
( Do the action depends your environment, You can see User name, session Id, state and Logon time )
Using Command line
query session /server:
For windows Xp reffer this Article : link
Now identify the session id from the result and replace “ID” with your corresponding id in following command
reset session “ID” /server:
This is very helpful………