limit of idea GPRS packs RS. 15 ?
What is the data usage limit of idea GPRS packs RS. 15 . and any daily limitation like RS. 97 pack ( 69mb ).
What is the data usage limit of idea GPRS packs RS. 15 . and any daily limitation like RS. 97 pack ( 69mb ).
you can use up to 200MB, this is for three days from the activation date. there is no daily limitation
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LikeDislikeHow to know usage of Idea rs.15 gprs pack ?
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LikeDislike!dea is not providing any usage statistics. But if you are using internet in computer you can calculate it using some software Also some phones like Nokia s60v5 phones have an option to check the data usage.
For Computer i use Mobile partner
For Nokia Phones go to MENU > LOGS > DATA COUNTER
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LikeDisliketo check usage in PC try netmeter
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